
Classic Films Get a Market of Their Own

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Has been at the cannes film festival and the style of the Venice film festival, the classic picture late a specialized market, and now they have Lyon from day one.
By launched from the superstar director thierry FREMAUX (and cannes film festival in cannes classic hat and creators), three days of the market is considered to be "looking for a new classic right holder, agent for the sale, the intersection of production and laboratory show that they, promote their work and/or business, said:" FREMAUX.
Lyon's old market in October from the village, 16 to 18, was the first in the world, but also attract the international players, as Japan's shochiku used, restoration of ozu yasujiro film.
"Our goal is, there is a classic market," FREMAUX said.
In the United States, the collapse of the BIZ have been painful HOMEVIDEO revenue. Amortization save cost, on DVD or blu-ray version ability become more and more impossible, said: "on January Christopher Horace grams, director of the university of California, Los Angeles, film and television archives.
To balance, HOMEVIDEO drops, FREMAUX said, "video on demand, provides a feasible channel classics, even if we still need to come up with a better way to make money flow. Television is another interesting way."
Classic in Gaul. "French hosts more than a dozen classic movies and more than 100, these films because a cinefil classic distributors are revealed."
The United States, France and Britain are the top three of the market, these treasures in the past, said the paris-based classic dealers Vincent Paul Boncour carlotta films, hat, recently sat down at the French international sales department, and will soon create a distribarm in North America.
"By the famous cannes or Venice international film festival, such as classical and digital switch to draw the spotlight has electricity in this industry, particularly in the United States said," Paul Boncour. "

